Some courses require XLStat to be added into Excel on your computer. Here, we go over the installation of this software.

Using the AnyConnect VPN

The Cisco AnyConnect Application is installed on all Lerner College machines. In this guide, we go over how to use the program, as well as some tips on how to use it with 2FA.

Windows Updates

Running Windows update is necessary for keeping your system secure.
Read here to learn how to run it.

Troubleshooting your Monitor/Docking Station

There are some issues that are known to happen with the USB-C docks and some Dell machines.

Usually, a user will find that the laptop will not display video to the Monitor/Docking station. To address it, follow the procedure in this post.

Webex Getting Started

Webex is what provides the University’s current telephone system. This guide goes over how to get set up if you already have a phone number assigned by the University.