Login to the Apporto Virtual Lab
Visit https://udel.apporto.com
When prompted, choose the Log In button
You will be presented with the UD CAS Login Page
Use your UD username, password, and 2FA code to login
Once logged in you will see the Apporto App Store
For the majority of your classwork you will select Launch under Lerner Desktop
You may have a course that requires you to launch a specific software application.
Refer to your instructor’s syllabus for more information.
A new Browser tab will open and your session will begin launching
You may be prompted to share your Camera and Microphone.
You can choose to allow or block, based on your preference
After about 30 seconds, you will be presented with your Windows Desktop session
Logging Out
When finished using the Virtual Lab, Sign Out of your session
Right-Click on the Start Menu
Select Shut down or Sign Out
Select Sign Out